Release: Board of Estimates Agenda for 11/24

Crest of the City of Baltimore

Bill Henry
Baltimore City
204 City Hall - Baltimore Maryland 21202
(410) 396-5410


Geoff Shannon, Public Relations Officer
(410) 387-5704


Baltimore, MD - The Board of Estimates agenda for the November 24th meeting is now available. It can be found on the Comptroller's website under the Board of Estimates tab.

Items of note:

Page 17, Settlement Agreement and Release for Estate of Jerome Boyd and Cassandra Gellar v. Mayor & City Council. Settlement amount is $380,000. 

Page 18, Settlement Agreement and Release for Hattie Bridges v. Mayor & City Council. Settlement amount is $30,000.

Page 45, Department of Real Estate, Amendment No. 2 to Agreement with The Empowerment Center for the sale of 801 Braddish Avenue.

Pages 51-56, DHCD, Grant Agreements and Transfers of Funds. DHCD has submitted two grant agreements for Community Land Trusts: Cherry Hill Development Corporation, award is $245,000 and Northeast Housing Initiative, award is $750,000.

Pages 64-68, Office of Recovery Programs, Grant Agreements:

  • Baltimore Civic Fund, Inc. award is $8,300,000 for financial and technical assistance to non-profit organizations.
  • Baltimore Development Corporation, award is $11,700,000 to provide financial and technical assistance to small businesses.
  • BOPA, award is $500,000 to provide financial and technical assistance to individual artists.
  • Family League of Baltimore, Inc. award is $2,000,000 to provide financial assistance to providers of child day care services.
  • Visit Baltimore, Inc. award is $2,500,000 to provide financial assistance to accommodations providers. 

Pages 74-76, DOT, Amendment No. 1 to Agreement with American Traffic Solutions, Inc. for installation and operation of speed cameras on I-83. The amendment extends the contract through August 25, 2023 and adds $6,660,000 in value.

Pages 87-88, Items #1-3, Bureau of Procurement, Recommendations for Contract Awards:

  • Award of Contract B50006301 to RFD Beaufort, Inc. for a SWAT Inflatable Training Wall. Contract amount is $58,220.
  • Award of Contract B50006283, Workers Compensation Claims Administration Services to Sedgwick Claims Management Services, Inc. Contract amount is $21,627,461.07.
  • Award of Contract B50006022, Citywide Police Requested Towing Services to C&S Towing and Transport and The Auto Barn, Inc. Amount is $652,300.00.

Page 133, Office of Recovery Programs, Interagency Grant Agreement with Mayor’s Office of Employment Development. Amount is $30,000,000.

Page 134, Baltimore Development Corporation, for Lease, Development and Operating Agreement with Baltimore Arena Company LLC, an affiliate of Oak View Group for City-owned Baltimore Arena. 

To address the board:

To protest a proposed action of the Board or otherwise address the Board please notify the Clerk, Room 204, City Hall, 100 N. Holliday Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202 in writing by Tuesday, November 23rd at 12pm. Protests or other requests can be sent to

The complete regulations on procurement, protests, minority and women-owned business enterprises, and debarment/suspensions can be found on the Comptroller's website.

To attend the meeting:

Please note Baltimore City Hall is closed to the public. All Board of Estimates meetings will be conducted via remote video conference. Members of the public can listen in by calling 1-408-418-9388, access code: 179 478 0446 or stream live at Charm TV's website.

Recordings of each BOE meeting can also be found on Charm TV’s website and Youtube channel.


The Board of Estimates will be in recess on December 1, 2021.

In 2022, the Board of Estimates will be moving to a bi-monthly meeting schedule. To review the entire schedule, visit the Comptroller's website

The Board of Estimates is seeking public comment on new proposed regulations. Review the regulations here and comment here!

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