Release: Comptroller's 101 Day Status Report

Crest of the City of Baltimore

Bill Henry
Baltimore City
204 City Hall - Baltimore Maryland 21202
(410) 396-5410


Geoff Shannon, Public Relations Officer
(410) 387-5704


Baltimore, MD - After 100 days in Office, Comptroller Henry has laid the groundwork for a complete overhaul of the City’s fiscal watchdog. His Office is committing to issuing regular status reports to invite public dialogue and feedback. The reports are broken into two parts: transition report recommendations and notable steps.

Henry’s transition report, released on January 19th, pointed out that there was still more work to be done to fully understand the Comptroller’s office and thus some recommendations might change.

This 100-day status report shows the forward momentum of Comptroller Henry’s administration.

Board of Estimates



Propose adoption of a formal BOE abstention policy

Completed, December 2020

Convene a task force inclusive of the Mayor’s office, City Council, and City agencies to explore optimization of BOE processes, transparency and accessibility

Ongoing relationship build has been the focus of BOE leadership with individual agencies, with regular informal strategy meetings.

Post and publicly announce the BOE schedule on the Comptroller’s website and Legistar

Completed, March 2021

Improve the BOE protest process by extending the window for filing objections

Completed, March 2021, and will be extended again within the year.

Require registration and disclosure documents from all lobbyists speaking before the BOE on behalf of clients

Subject to revision. Working with the Department of Ethics to implement an effective and useful policy.

Publicly post information regarding meetings between the Comptroller and lobbyists, including the precise purpose for the meeting

In progress, scheduled to be completed March 2021

Draft and recommend by-laws for the BOE

In progress, scheduled to be completed March 2021

Propose a resolution that requires a unanimous vote of the BOE members to waive any Regulations on Procurement, Protests, and MBE/WBEs

Subject to revision. As the BOE staff review legacy policies and procedures they are planning a thorough revision of all MBE/WBE policies.





Office Wide




Meet with Mayor Scott and Council President Mosby to present transition team recommendations


Completed January 2021.

Obtain technology necessary to move all office staff to teleworking capabilities


Completed, February 2021

Mandate ethics training for all executive staff

Completed, February 2021

Mandate anti-racism training for all staff

Completed, Implementation scheduled for  late spring 2021

Post all required staff financial disclosures on the Comptroller’s website

In progress, working with the Department of Ethics to make disclosures more accessible

Provide a continuously updated archive of the Comptroller’s position statements, press releases and media appearances

In progress, scheduled to be completed March 2021

Assign the duties of Equity Officer to the Chief of Staff


Assigned to the Deputy Comptroller

Hire an IT Manager for the entire Comptroller’s office

Completed, December 2020

Hire a Director of Constituent Affairs to foster relations with community groups and field constituent requests

Completed, December 2020

Maintain an office e-newsletter highlighting staff achievements, colleague profiles, new and updates and important Human Resources information


Completed & ongoing, January 2021

Fully utilize Bonfire to digitize electronic bid submissions


Subject to revision. The Comptroller’s Office is working closely with the Chief Administrator’s Office and other City agencies to review procurement from start to finish.

Meet with agencies and define real estate service needs


Completed & ongoing, March 2021

Support MWBOO in achieving greater compliance with MBE/WBE goals

Ongoing through weekly meeting with MWBOO staff, discussions with agency directors at the BOE, and collaboration on contract review.

Collaborate with the Office of Equity & Civil Rights and MWBOO to produce quarterly reports on MBE/WBE compliance and other recommendations that promote use of a racial equity lens in evaluating business that comes before the BOE


Ongoing, report should be released late Spring.

Post all MPIA requests and responses on the Comptroller’s website

In progress, scheduled to be completed March 2021

Provide the Comptroller’s public schedule to the press and public every week

Completed & ongoing, February 2021



Notable steps

  1. January 2021 – The Department of Communication Services was divided into two respective departments: the Municipal Telephone Exchange and the Municipal Post Office. This will help each department innovate in their field.
  2. January 2021 - In recognition of the availability of verbatim, archived, publicly-accessible video and audio recordings of Board of Estimates meetings, the Comptroller's Office discontinued the practice of typing word-for-word transcripts of Board of Estimates meetings as of January 1, 2021.  Minutes are now maintained in a summary format that complies with the requirements of the Maryland Open Meetings Act, and are posted online within ten days of each Board meeting rather than several weeks or even months later.  This expedites public access to meeting minutes and saves significant staff time and resources which are now dedicated to substantive review of agenda items.  
  3. February 2021 – Comptroller Henry hired Andy Frank, former Deputy Mayor & experienced real estate professional as the Deputy Director of the Department of Real Estate.

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